
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

The NGS area aims to offer cutting-edge sequencing technologies and high-quality data to researchers from the ISS and external institutions, both academic and private.

The expert staff of the NGS area accompanies the researcher in all phases: from the experimental design to the final data for applications such as microbial sequencing (SWGS, both re-sequencing and de novo, 16S, RNAseq), targeted DNA and RNA based on Ampliseq technology (human and mouse transcriptome, Sars-CoV-2 panel, other specific panels), exome, total RNA, microRNA, LncRNA, circulating DNA (ctDNA), amplicon sequencing.

The NGS facility collaborates with researchers, both internal to the ISS and external, for the implementation of new applications. The facility also supports researchers in preparing funding applications for projects involving Next Generation Sequencing and single cell OMICs.

Since 2018-09-21 the ISS has established a scientific collaboration with Bio-Fab Research. The aim is to enhance the ISS NGS FAST facility… [read more]

To ask for the NGS service:

  1. Preliminary contact the Sequencing area staff;
  2. fill out the online form 'Service Request' briefly illustrating the scientific problem, type of sample (DNA, RNA etc.), number of samples to be sequenced etc.;
  3. Plan a meeting with the sequencing area staff to discuss methods of analysis, costs, timing etc.

Contact: Manuela Marra
+39 06 4990 3051