Citometry Area

Main services offered

  • Cytometric analysis service on single cell (multiparametric), cell separation and data analysis.
  • Multiparametric analysis:
    • in cytofluorimetry, up to 10 parameters;
    • in cytofluorimetry in High-Throughput mode;
    • in mass cytometry, upto 35 parameters.

Immunophenotype of mononuclear cells of human peripheral blood - 1Immunophenotype of mononuclear cells of human peripheral blood - 2Immunophenotype of mononuclear cells of human peripheral blood - 3
Immunophenotype of mononuclear cells of human peripheral blood - 4Immunophenotype of mononuclear cells of human peripheral blood - 5Immunophenotype of mononuclear cells of human peripheral blood - 6

Immunophenotype of mononuclear cells of human peripheral blood

  • Cell separation: it is possible to obtain highly purified cell populations, coming from various types of human and animal tissues by cell sorting.

Cell sortingCell sortingCell sorting

CELL SORTING: On the left of the figure: diagram of the separation principle. – In the center and on the right: the internal display of the FACS Aria I (detail on the deflection plates and the 4 channels of the sorting) and the window of the DIVA7 software for the management of the sorting.

  • Data analysis: Diva, Kaluza, FlowJo software

Example of analysis of the PI/BrDU cell cycle with Kaluza and FloJo - 1Example of analysis of the PI/BrDU cell cycle with Kaluza and FloJo - 2Example of analysis of the PI/BrDU cell cycle with Kaluza and FloJo - 3

Example of analysis of the PI/BrDU cell cycle with Kaluza and FloJo - 4

Example of analysis of the PI/BrDU cell cycle with Kaluza and FloJo

  • Design and development of cytometric panels nd preparation of experimental protocols in agreement with the researchers involved1).

1) NOTE: Cellular separations are performed only by laboratory personnel.