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High resolution NMR and Preclinic MRI area

High-resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (HR-NMR) Unit

Metabolomica mediante NMR in alta risoluzione Spettrometro NMR in alta risoluzione (9.4T) Spettro NMR ad alta risoluzione di metaboliti

Identificazione e caratterizzazione di molecole e miscele complesse

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy allows to identify the structure and composition of molecules and mixtures; to study the metabolic phenotype of cells, tissues and biological fluids; to characterize the molecular processes associated with a given phenotype and to follow the pharmacological effects on the metabolism.

Il servizio prevede l'utilizzo di uno spettrometro NMR Bruker Avance operante a 9.4 T, con disponibilità di sonde selettive per protone, carbonio e fosforo per studi di metabolomica.

The service makes use of a 9.4 T Bruker Avance NMR spectrometer, with the availability of selective probes for proton, carbon and phosphorus, for metabolomics studies.

The staff offers support for experimental design and experiment planning and data analysis

Service requests to this unit must be sent by filling out the 'Service Request' online form.

Contact: Egidio Iorio
+39 06 4990 2548/2552
Where we are: building 1, floor A, room 8