Old revisions Backlinks Rename Page EPR Area Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR - Biacore) Service request Abstract Method Applications Abstract The Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) technique allows studying the interactions between a ligand and putative substates anchored onto a gold-chip, in a pM range of the bulk, with a very high sensibility (few pg/mm²). According to the specific macromolecule stratified on the chip, it is possible to test mixed interactions such as protein to protein, protein to lipid, lipid to lipid and nucleic acid to protein. Applications span several fields like biochemistry, molecular biology, virology, toxicology, lipidomic as well in GMP. Proteins immobilization Tagged recombinant proteins immobilization Nucleic acid immobilization Lipids immobilization We make use of the Biacore X100 (Cytiva) instrument: https://www.cytivalifesciences.com/en/us/shop/protein-analysis/spr-label-free-analysis/systems/biacore-x100-p-05730 To ask for the service: preliminary contact the Biacore unit staff; fill out the online form 'Service Request' briefly illustrating the scientific problem. Contact: Donatella Pietraforte ☎ +39 06 4990 2907 Where I am: building 20, floor D, room 2s