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eventi:2023:0923-thermofisher:start [2023/09/11 14:24]
Gianluca Frustagli
eventi:2023:0923-thermofisher:start [2023/09/25 18:30] (versione attuale)
Gianluca Frustagli
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 ====== ThermoFisher Scientific Day ====== ====== ThermoFisher Scientific Day ======
-{{ :​eventi:​2023:​0923-thermofisher:​20230921-loc-thermofisher.png?​400|}} L’Area di Citometria del Servizio Grandi Strumentazioni e Core Facilities organizza l'​evento <wrap em>​Thermo Fisher Scientific Day</​wrap>,​ riservato al personale ISS, dove verranno presentate le ultime soluzioni innovative in ambito //​molecolare,​ qPCR, imaging, biochimico, colture cellulari e citometria a flusso.//+{{ :​eventi:​2023:​0923-thermofisher:​20230921-loc-thermofisher.png?​400|}} ​[[mailto:​citometria.fast@iss.it|L’Area di Citometria]] del Servizio Grandi Strumentazioni e Core Facilities organizza l'​evento <wrap em>​Thermo Fisher Scientific Day</​wrap>,​ riservato al personale ISS, dove verranno presentate le ultime soluzioni innovative in ambito //​molecolare,​ qPCR, imaging, biochimico, colture cellulari e citometria a flusso.//
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-  * 12:00 -- Giuseppe Tortoriello (30 min) \\ **Innovative solutions for Protein Analysis: separation, transfer and digital detection**+  * 12:00 -- Giuseppe Tortoriello ​<wrap lo>(30 min)</​wrap> ​\\ **Innovative solutions for Protein Analysis: separation, transfer and digital detection**
-  * 12:30 -- Alessandra Romano (30 min) \\ **iPSC workflow: from reprogramming to differentiation**+  * 12:30 -- Alessandra Romano ​<wrap lo>(30 min)</​wrap> ​\\ **iPSC workflow: from reprogramming to differentiation**
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-  * 14:00 -- Claudio Comunian, ​BAGCA Fatma  (30 min) \\ **Better flow data with cell imaging – Discover the Attune CytPix**+  * 14:00 -- Claudio Comunian, ​Bagca Fatma  ​<wrap lo>(30 min)</​wrap> ​\\ **Better flow data with cell imaging – Discover the Attune CytPix**
-  * 14:30 -- Fabrizio Cozzani (30 min): \\ **Alternative approaches to High Throughput Imaging: new CellInsight CX7 LZR PRO HCS platform and EVOS M7000 fully automated digital microscope**+  * 14:30 -- Fabrizio Cozzani ​<wrap lo>(30 min)</​wrap>​: \\ **Alternative approaches to High Throughput Imaging: new CellInsight CX7 LZR PRO HCS platform and EVOS M7000 fully automated digital microscope**
-  * 15:00 -- Rashmi Pari (30 min): \\ **Maximising results with high throughput measurement of protein and gene expression on the Luminex platform.**+  * 15:00 -- Rashmi Pari <wrap lo>(30 min)</​wrap>​: \\ **Maximising results with high throughput measurement of protein and gene expression on the Luminex platform.** 
 +<WRAP button centeralign bigger>​[[https://​forms.office.com/​Pages/​ResponsePage.aspx?​id=_ccwzxZmYkutg7V0sn1ZErHV9RagxwlFlbGGzCKxnvJUNlA0S0RWN1g0SUtINThNQVM0TU80VFZEUy4u|Vai al modulo di iscrizione]]</​WRAP>​