Cytometry Area
Sample preparation
Samples for cell sorting
Immunofluorescence staining
Titration of Fluorochrome-Conjugated Antibodies for Labeling Cell Surface Markers on Live Cells
Cell viability, DNA content, proliferation tests
Viability and Vitality Dyes
Cell identification Cisplatin (Live-Dead discrimination)
Cell identification Iridium
Cell identification Rhodium (Live-Dead discrimination)
CyTOF manual
EQ™ Four Element Calibration Beads
Jonathan Irish phosphoprotein staining protocol
MAXPAR® Antibody Labeling Kit
Maxpar® Cell Surface Staining
Maxpar® Cytoplasmic-Secreted Antigen Staining
Maxpar® Nuclear Antigen Staining
Maxpar Panel-Designer
Maxpar® Phospho-Protein Staining