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en:start [2018/09/13 20:10]
Gianluca Frustagli
en:start [2023/10/06 14:43]
Gianluca Frustagli New events: FAST Open Day and ThermoFisher Scientifc Day.
Line 1: Line 1:
 ~~NOTOC~~ ~~NOTOC~~
 +/* DDNS FAILURE ALERT (ready to be published)
 +<​ifintranet><​wrap notice>​Server intranet</​wrap>​((2020/​05/​28:​ due to ongoing work on network configurations this intranet site is temporarily identified directly by the IP address</​ifintranet>​
 <​ifintranet><​wrap notice>​Server intranet</​wrap></​ifintranet>​ <​ifintranet><​wrap notice>​Server intranet</​wrap></​ifintranet>​
 ====== ISS - Core Facilities Technical-Scientific Service ====== ====== ISS - Core Facilities Technical-Scientific Service ======
-{{map> :esagoni-ita.png?​380|Core facilities}}+The [[https://​www.iss.it|ISS]] - Core Facilities Technical-Scientific Service is a centralized shared resource that provides access to instruments and technologies,​ as well as expert consultation,​ to scientific researchers. 
 +{{map> :esagoni-eng.png?​380|Core facilities}}
 /* "​Logo"​ ad esagoni con mappa dei link. Le coordinate sono scalate sull'​immagine ridimensionata,​ riscalando l'​immagine occorre (purtroppo) riscalare a mano anche le coordinate. */ /* "​Logo"​ ad esagoni con mappa dei link. Le coordinate sono scalate sull'​immagine ridimensionata,​ riscalando l'​immagine occorre (purtroppo) riscalare a mano anche le coordinate. */
   * [[en:​aree:​calcolo:​start|Area Calcolo Scientifico @ 166,​3,​208,​3,​230,​40,​208,​77,​166,​78,​144,​41]]   * [[en:​aree:​calcolo:​start|Area Calcolo Scientifico @ 166,​3,​208,​3,​230,​40,​208,​77,​166,​78,​144,​41]]
Line 20: Line 27:
 ==== Mission ==== ==== Mission ====
-  * Support to the strategic management ​of the equipment available in the ISS;  +  * Management of high-cost technologies with transversal possibilities of use within the ISS (Italian National Health Institute), with the aim of facilitating ​the shared access of the Institute'​s researchers and external users to the technological platforms
-  * design ​and construction/​development ​of instruments and new technologies;  +  * provide for the maintenance ​and updating ​of the instrumentation
-  * streamlining the use of high-cost technologies ​to be shared within the ISS.+  * carry out technical-scientific training activities;​ 
 +  * design and develop methods and technologies
 +  * process data generated by scientific equipment.
-All Core Facilities do research within their sphere ​of interest, as well.+The Service also provides support for the strategic management ​of the assets of the Institute'​s equipment. It also carries out research activities.
 ==== Vision ==== ==== Vision ====
Line 38: Line 47:
 > ☎ **+39 06 4990 3163** > ☎ **+39 06 4990 3163**
-> FIXME **To be revised by A.**\\ //(remove this paragraph once the translation is finished)//+/* > FIXME **To be revised by A.**\\ //(remove this paragraph once the translation is finished)// */
 \\ \\
 ---- ----
-<WRAP centeralign bigger em>​News</​WRAP>​+<WRAP centeralign bigger em #news>​News</​WRAP>​
 ---- ----
 \\ \\
-<WRAP group> /* COLUMNS GROUP - BEGIN */ 
-<WRAP half column> /* FIRST COLUMN - BEGIN (4 events, at the moment) ​*/+<WRAP group> /* Begin of row */ 
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 1 */
-<​ifintranet>​ +<​wrap ​lo hi>2023/10/23 9.00Aula Pocchiari</​wrap>​
-<​wrap ​bigger>[[en:​eventi:​2018:​0327-corso-statistica|Basic Statistics course]]<​/wrap> \\ All modules \\ +
-<wrap lo>March 27 - June 202018</​wrap>​+
-{{ eventi:​2018:​sorry_we_can_t_trust_you.png?​190 }}+<wrap bigger hi>Open Day FAST</​wrap>​
 +FAST, the ISS Core Facilities Service, will present the latest innovations in terms of cutting-edge technologies and new skills. **[[en:​eventi:​2023:​1023-openday:​start|[read more...]]]**
 +{{ :​esagoni-ita.png?​250 |FAST logo}}
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 1 */
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 2 */
 +<wrap lo>​2023/​09/​21 10.00, Aula Bovet</​wrap>​
 +<wrap bigger>​Thermo Fisher Scientific Day</​wrap>​
 +Event organized by the Cytometry Area and reserved for ISS staff. The latest innovative solutions in the //​molecular,​ qPCR, imaging, biochemical,​ cell culture and flow cytometry// fields will be presented **[[en:​eventi:​2023:​0923-thermofisher:​start|[read more...]]]**
 +{{ :​eventi:​2023:​0923-thermofisher:​20230921-loc-thermofisher.png?​250 |Locandina ThermoFisher Scientific}}
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 2 */
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of row */
 ---- ----
 \\ \\
-<wrap bigger>​[[en:​eventi:​2018:​0219-corso-prog_ricerca|Experimental course: construction of a research project]]</​wrap>​ 
-[[en:​eventi:​2018:​0219-corso-prog_ricerca#​lesson_3_-_fundraising|Lesson #3 - fundraising]] \\ +<ifintranet> /* BEGIN OF INTRANET VERSION "​NEWS"​ */
-<wrap lo>April 13, 2018, 10:00 am - 1.00 pm, Aula Rossi</wrap>+
-[[en:​eventi:​2018:​0219-corso-prog_ricerca#​lesson_2_-_design|Lesson #2 - design]] \\ 
-<wrap lo>March 5, 2018, 10:00 am - 1.00 pm, Aula Marotta</​wrap>​ 
-[[en:​eventi:​2018:​0219-corso-prog_ricerca#​lesson_1_-_ideation|Lesson #1 - ideation]] \\ +<WRAP group> /* Begin of row */ 
-<wrap lo>February 19, 2018, 10:00 am - 1.00 pm, Aula Marotta</wrap>+<WRAP half column/* Begin of column ​*/
-{{ :​research_projects-wc.png?​200 }} 
 +<wrap lo>​2022/​05/​31 10.00, Aula Bovet and on-line</​wrap>​
 +<wrap bigger>​The new frontiers of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in preclinical and translational research</​wrap>​
 +Inaugural event dedicated to the new system for in vivo imaging and spectroscopy on small animals recently installed at the **MRI Unit of the Italian National Health Institute'​s Core Facilities.**
 +{{ :​mrs-colina-cereb.webp?​200 }}
 +The visit to the new laboratory will be preceded by a scientific session that will illustrate the latest techniques and applications of magnetic resonance in biomedical research.
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 1 */
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 2 */
 +<wrap lo>​2021/​09/​13-15,​ on-line</​wrap>​
 +<wrap bigger>​Participation of FAST at the CTLS 2021 conference</​wrap>​
 +FAST participated in the **[[https://​ctls-org.eu|CTLS 2021]]** conference, the annual meeting of the network of Core Technologies for Life Science, with a paper **//"​Organization and benchmarking of the FAST core facility at the Italian Institute of Health"//​**. \\ The online event (13-15 September 2021) has seen 300 participants.
 +{{ :​20210913-poster_ctls.jpeg?​direct&​300 |CTLS 2021 poster}}
 +CTLS is a European networking non-profit association that brings together scientists, technical and administrative staff working in core facilities, research infrastructures and other shared resource laboratories.
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 2 */
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of row */
 ---- ----
 \\ \\
-</ifintranet>+<WRAP group> ​/* Begin of row */ 
 +<WRAP half column/* Begin of row */ 
 +<wrap lo>​2020/​02/​06,​ Aula Pocchiari and Aula Marotta</​wrap>​ 
 +<wrap bigger>​ISS Core Facilities at the service of public health</​wrap>​ 
 +**OPEN DAY - February 6, 2020** 
 +<WRAP centeralign>​ 
 +The Open Day aims to present the //ISS Core Facilities//​ both within the ISS and to other public and private institutions in order to support and promote advanced biomedical research with high technological content for the promotion of human health. [[en:​eventi:​2020:​0206-openday|[read more...]]] 
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 1 */ 
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 2 */ 
 +<wrap lo>Rome, 13<​sup>​th</​sup>​ - 15<​sup>​th</​sup>​ November 2019</​wrap>​ 
 +<wrap bigger>​**ExoFlowMetry 2019** - The First International Workshop on Exotic Flow CytoMetry | Checking small things... better!</​wrap>​ \\ 
 +[[en:​aree:​citometria:​eventi:​start|[read more...]]] 
 +[[en:​aree:​citometria:​eventi:​start|{{ aree:​citometria:​eventi:​exoflowmetry2019.png?​400 }}]] 
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 2 */ 
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of row */ 
 +<WRAP group> /* Begin of row */ 
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 1 */ 
 +<wrap bigger>​**GENEVAX Project**</​wrap>​ 
 +{{ :​aree:​fabiocell:​genevax-loghi.png?​350 |}} 
 +In the context of the **POR FESR, Key Enabling Technologies (KETs)** calls, the FaBioCell cell factory has recently received a loan from **[[http://​www.lazioinnova.it|Lazio Innova]]** for the **[[http://​www.evvivax.com/​index.php/​13-research/​67-from-genes-to-translational-vaccines-genevax|GENEVAX]]** project, developed in collaboration with **[[http://​www.evvivax.com|EVVIVAX]]**,​ a biotech dedicated to immunotherapy in the veterinary field [[en:​aree:​fabiocell:​ricerca#​genevax_project|[read more...]]] 
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 1 */ 
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 2 */ 
 +<wrap lo>​2019/​04/​15 9.00 am - 1.30 pm</​wrap>​ 
 +The staff of the Cytometry Area reports the following workshop: 
 +<wrap hi bigger>​**Fast and fluo: high processing flow cytometry techniques for green biotech, the environment and the food chain**</​wrap>​ 
 +{{:​20190419-fast_and_fluo.pdf |Poster - program}} 
 +<WRAP centeralign>​ 
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of row */ 
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 2 */ 
 +<WRAP group> /* Begin of row */ 
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 1 */ 
 +<wrap lo>​2019/​04/​12 9.30 am, Bovet room</​wrap>​ \\ 
 +<wrap bigger>​2nd seminar "​**Projects//​(IN)//​formation - Skill building on writing a research grant: tips on finding, planning, and step by step writing of the grant**"</​wrap>​ 
 +We will examine the specifics of project writing, with particular attention to those who respond to American calls. <wrap hi>​**[[en:​eventi:​2019:​0314-proginform|[read more... / published slides]]].**</​wrap>​ 
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 1 */ 
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 2 */ 
 +<wrap lo>​2019/​04/​10 10.00 am, Marotta room</​wrap>​ 
 +**Vevo 3100 - High Resolution Ultrasounds Imaging System** 
 +Theoretical-practical presentation of a very high resolution ultrasound scanner for laboratory animals. \\ //BENA National Center in collaboration with the FAST Service.//​ 
 +{{ :​20190410-pres_vevo3100.pdf |Poster - program}} 
 +{{ :​tumor_vascularity-vevo3100.jpeg?​200 |}} 
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 2 */ 
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of row */ 
 +<WRAP group> /* Begin of row */ 
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 1 */ 
 +<wrap lo>​2019/​03/​15 10.00 am, G. B. Rossi room</​wrap>​ \\ 
 +<wrap bigger>​1st seminar "​**Projects//​(IN)//​formation - Design of a research project**"</​wrap>​ 
 +Research funding has generally declined over the past decade and competition for it has increased accordingly. It is essential that ISS researchers are able to compete best to ensure support for their work and that of the Institute. **[[en:​eventi:​2019:​0314-proginform|[read more... / published slides]]].** 
 +{{ :​research_projects-wc.png?​200 |}} 
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 1 */ 
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 2 */ 
 +<wrap lo>​2019/​01/​21 10.00 am, Bovet room</​wrap>​ \\ 
 +<wrap bigger>​Seminar "Small Genome Sequencing"</​wrap>​ 
 +This seminar is dedicated to all those interested in deepening the knowledge of NGS applied to the sequencing of "small genome"​...[[en:​eventi:​2019:​0121-seminario_ngs|[Program carried out + presentation]]] 
 +{{ eventi:​2019:​20190121-loc_seminario_ngs.jpeg?​200 |}} 
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 2 */ 
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of row */ 
 +<WRAP group> /* Begin of row */ 
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 1 */ 
 +<wrap lo>​2018/​11/​07 10.00 am, Bovet room</​wrap>​ \\ 
 +<wrap bigger>​[[eventi:​|Presentation of the new Next Generation Sequencing services and the collaboration agreement with Bio-Fab Research]]</​wrap>​ 
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 1 */ 
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 2 */ 
 +<wrap lo>​2018/​09/​21</​wrap>​ \\ 
 +<wrap em>​Sequencing:​ new collaboration between ISS and BIOFAB RESEARCH</​wrap>​ 
 +The Core Facilities Service has established a scientific collaboration with **Bio-Fab Research**, a genomics service company renowned in the national panorama... [[en:​aree:​in_collaborazione:​biofab_research:​|[read more]]]. \\ Bio-Fab Research has been operating in the sector for 13 years, offering its experience and expertise for a long time to the researchers of this Institute, now also with an offer of services at discounted prices... [[en:​aree:​in_collaborazione:​biofab_research:​altro|[read more]]] 
 +{{ :​aree:​in_collaborazione:​biofab_research:​biofab_research.png?​250 }} 
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of row */ 
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 2 */ 
 +<WRAP group> /* Begin of row */ 
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 1 */ 
 +<wrap bigger>​[[en:​eventi:​2018:​0327-corso-statistica|Basic Statistics course]]</​wrap>​ 
 +March 27th - June 20th, 2018 – on-line course materials. 
 +{{ :​eventi:​2018:​sorry_we_can_t_trust_you.png?​190 |}} 
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 1 */ 
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 2 */ 
 <wrap lo>16 February 16, 2018, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm</​wrap>​ <wrap lo>16 February 16, 2018, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm</​wrap>​
Line 80: Line 288:
 <wrap bigger>​[[en:​eventi:​2018:​0216-seminario|Seminar:​ cytofluorimetry applications in microbiology]]</​wrap>​ <wrap bigger>​[[en:​eventi:​2018:​0216-seminario|Seminar:​ cytofluorimetry applications in microbiology]]</​wrap>​
-/* Potenziali immagini esplicative:+/* Potential explanatory images:
 http://​aem.asm.org/​content/​69/​5/​2857/​F4.expansion.html http://​aem.asm.org/​content/​69/​5/​2857/​F4.expansion.html
 https://​www.thermofisher.com/​ng/​en/​home/​references/​newsletters-and-journals/​bioprobes-journal-of-cell-biology-applications/​bioprobes-69/​cell-health-assays-flow-cytometry.html https://​www.thermofisher.com/​ng/​en/​home/​references/​newsletters-and-journals/​bioprobes-journal-of-cell-biology-applications/​bioprobes-69/​cell-health-assays-flow-cytometry.html
 */ */
-**Rossi ​Room (via Giano della Bella)**+**Rossi ​room (Giano della Bella)**
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 2 */
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of row */
 ---- ----
 \\ \\
 +<WRAP group> /* Begin of row */
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 1 */
 <wrap lo>​2017/​12/​22</​wrap>​ \\ <wrap lo>​2017/​12/​22</​wrap>​ \\
 <wrap em>​Let'​s celebrate the //​stabilized//​!</​wrap>​ <wrap em>​Let'​s celebrate the //​stabilized//​!</​wrap>​
Line 97: Line 310:
 [[en:​eventi:​2017:​1222-festa:​|{{ :​eventi:​2017:​1222-festa:​20171222.1200-5-festa.jpeg?​200 }}]] [[en:​eventi:​2017:​1222-festa:​|{{ :​eventi:​2017:​1222-festa:​20171222.1200-5-festa.jpeg?​200 }}]]
 +</WRAP/* End of column 1 */ 
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 2 */ 
 +<wrap lo>​2017/​09/​20</​wrap>​ \\ 
 +<wrap em>​Bio/​statistical service</​wrap>​ 
 +The FAST service has decided to activate, //on an experimental basis//, a **//​[[en:​aree:​calcolo:​biostatistica:​|bio/​statistical]]//​** service to support the ISS colleagues in their research activity. 
 +{{ aree:​calcolo:​biostatistica:​lucy-statistical_help.png?​200 }} 
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of row */ 
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 2 */ 
 +<WRAP group> /* Begin of row */ 
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 1 */ 
 <wrap em>​Presentation brochure of the FAST service</​wrap>​ <wrap em>​Presentation brochure of the FAST service</​wrap>​
 [[en:​brochure|{{ en:​brochure-eng-v2-p1.png?​nolink&​190 }}]] [[en:​brochure|{{ en:​brochure-eng-v2-p1.png?​nolink&​190 }}]]
-</​WRAP>​ /* FIRST COLUMN - END */ +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 1 */ 
-<WRAP half column> /* SECOND COLUMN - BEGIN (3 events, at the moment) ​*/+<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 2 */
-<wrap lo>2017/10/26</​wrap>​ \\ +/* EMPTY SPACE */
-<wrap em>New Sequencing Area</​wrap>​+
-The FAST service has inaugurated a new area for the **//[[en:​aree:​ngs:​|Next Generation Sequencing]]/​/** that uses a Ion Torrent sequencer made available by Stefano Morabito and Gabriele Vaccari (SANV).+</​WRAP>​ /End of column 2 */ 
 +</WRAP> ​/* End of row */
-{{ :​dna.jpeg?​190 }} 
 +</​ifintranet>​ /* END OF INTRANET VERSION "​NEWS"​ */
 +<​ifinternet>​ /* BEGIN OF INTERNET VERSION "​NEWS"​ */
 +<WRAP group> /* Begin of row */
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 1 */
 +<wrap lo>​2022/​05/​31 10.00, Aula Bovet and on-line</​wrap>​
 +<wrap bigger>​The new frontiers of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in preclinical and translational research</​wrap>​
 +Inaugural event dedicated to the new system for in vivo imaging and spectroscopy on small animals recently installed at the **MRI Unit of the Italian National Health Institute'​s Core Facilities.**
 +{{ :​mrs-colina-cereb.webp?​200 }}
 +The visit to the new laboratory will be preceded by a scientific session that will illustrate the latest techniques and applications of magnetic resonance in biomedical research.
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 1 */
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 2 §§§§ */
 +<wrap lo>​2021/​09/​13-15,​ on-line</​wrap>​
 +<wrap bigger>​Participation of FAST at the CTLS 2021 conference</​wrap>​
 +FAST participated in the **[[https://​ctls-org.eu|CTLS 2021]]** conference, the annual meeting of the network of Core Technologies for Life Science, with a paper **//"​Organization and benchmarking of the FAST core facility at the Italian Institute of Health"//​**. \\ The online event (13-15 September 2021) has seen 300 participants.
 +{{ :​20210913-poster_ctls.jpeg?​direct&​300 |CTLS 2021 poster}}
 +CTLS is a European networking non-profit association that brings together scientists, technical and administrative staff working in core facilities, research infrastructures and other shared resource laboratories.
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 2 */
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of row */
 ---- ----
 \\ \\
 +<WRAP group> /* Begin of row */
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 1 */
-<wrap lo>​2017/​09/​20</​wrap>​ \\ 
-<wrap em>​Bio/​statistical service</​wrap>​ 
-The FAST service has decided to activate, //on an experimental basis//, a **//​[[en:​aree:​calcolo:​biostatistica:​|bio/​statistical]]/​/** service to support the ISS colleagues in their research activity.+<wrap lo>2020/02/06Aula Pocchiari and Aula Marotta</wrap>
-{{ aree:​calcolo:​biostatistica:​lucy-statistical_help.png?​200 }}+<wrap bigger>​ISS Core Facilities at the service of public health</​wrap>​
 +**OPEN DAY - February 6, 2020**
 +<WRAP centeralign>​
 +The Open Day aims to present the //ISS Core Facilities//​ both within the ISS and to other public and private institutions in order to support and promote advanced biomedical research with high technological content for the promotion of human health. [[en:​eventi:​2020:​0206-openday|[read more...]]]
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 1 */
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 2 */
 +<wrap lo>Rome, 13<​sup>​th</​sup>​ - 15<​sup>​th</​sup>​ November 2019</​wrap>​
 +<wrap bigger>​**ExoFlowMetry 2019** - The First International Workshop on Exotic Flow CytoMetry | Checking small things... better!</​wrap>​ \\
 +[[en:​aree:​citometria:​eventi:​start|[read more...]]]
 +[[en:​aree:​citometria:​eventi:​start|{{ aree:​citometria:​eventi:​exoflowmetry2019.png?​400 }}]]
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 2 */
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of row */
 ---- ----
 \\ \\
 +<WRAP group> /* Begin of row */
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 1 */
 +<wrap bigger>​**GENEVAX Project**</​wrap>​
 +{{ :​aree:​fabiocell:​genevax-loghi.png?​350 |}}
 +In the context of the **POR FESR, Key Enabling Technologies (KETs)** calls, the FaBioCell cell factory has recently received a loan from **[[http://​www.lazioinnova.it|Lazio Innova]]** for the **[[http://​www.evvivax.com/​index.php/​13-research/​67-from-genes-to-translational-vaccines-genevax|GENEVAX]]** project, developed in collaboration with **[[http://​www.evvivax.com|EVVIVAX]]**,​ a biotech dedicated to immunotherapy in the veterinary field [[en:​aree:​fabiocell:​ricerca#​genevax_project|[read more...]]]
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 1 */
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 2 */
 +<wrap lo>​2019/​04/​15 9.00 am - 1.30 pm</​wrap>​
 +The staff of the Cytometry Area reports the following workshop:
 +<wrap hi bigger>​**Fast and fluo: high processing flow cytometry techniques for green biotech, the environment and the food chain**</​wrap>​
 +{{:​20190419-fast_and_fluo.pdf |Poster - program}}
 +<WRAP centeralign>​
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of row */
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 2 */
 +<WRAP group> /* Begin of row */
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 1 */
 +<wrap lo>​2019/​04/​10 10.00 am, Marotta room</​wrap>​
 +**Vevo 3100 - High Resolution Ultrasounds Imaging System**
 +Theoretical-practical presentation of a very high resolution ultrasound scanner for laboratory animals. \\ //BENA National Center in collaboration with the FAST Service.//
 +{{ :​20190410-pres_vevo3100.pdf |Poster - program}}
 +{{ :​tumor_vascularity-vevo3100.jpeg?​200 |}}
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 1 */
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 2 */
 +<wrap lo>​2019/​01/​21 10.00 am, Bovet room</​wrap>​ \\
 +<wrap bigger>​Seminar "Small Genome Sequencing"</​wrap>​
 +This seminar is dedicated to all those interested in deepening the knowledge of NGS applied to the sequencing of "small genome"​...[[en:​eventi:​2019:​0121-seminario_ngs|[Program carried out + presentation]]]
 +{{ eventi:​2019:​20190121-loc_seminario_ngs.jpeg?​200 |}}
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 2 */
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of row */
 +<WRAP group> /* Begin of row */
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 1 */
 +<wrap lo>​2018/​11/​07 10.00 am, Bovet room</​wrap>​ \\
 +<wrap bigger>​[[eventi:​|Presentation of the new Next Generation Sequencing services and the collaboration agreement with Bio-Fab Research]]</​wrap>​
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 1 */
 +<WRAP half column> /* End of column 2 */
 +<wrap lo>​2018/​09/​21</​wrap>​ \\
 +<wrap em>​Sequencing:​ new collaboration between ISS and BIOFAB RESEARCH</​wrap>​
 +The Core Facilities Service has established a scientific collaboration with **Bio-Fab Research**, a genomics service company renowned in the national panorama... [[en:​aree:​in_collaborazione:​biofab_research:​|[read more]]]. \\ Bio-Fab Research has been operating in the sector for 13 years, offering its experience and expertise for a long time to the researchers of this Institute, now also with an offer of services at discounted prices... [[en:​aree:​in_collaborazione:​biofab_research:​altro|[read more]]]
 +{{ :​aree:​in_collaborazione:​biofab_research:​biofab_research.png?​250 }}
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 2 */
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of row */
 +<WRAP group> /* Begin of row */
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 1 */
 +<wrap lo>16 February 16, 2018, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm</​wrap>​
 +<wrap bigger>​[[en:​eventi:​2018:​0216-seminario|Seminar:​ cytofluorimetry applications in microbiology]]</​wrap>​
 +/* potential explanatory images:
 +**Rossi room (Giano della Bella)**
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 1 */
 +<WRAP half column> /* Begin of column 2 */
 <wrap em>​Presentation brochure of the FAST service</​wrap>​ <wrap em>​Presentation brochure of the FAST service</​wrap>​
 [[en:​brochure|{{ en:​brochure-eng-v2-p1.png?​nolink&​190 }}]] [[en:​brochure|{{ en:​brochure-eng-v2-p1.png?​nolink&​190 }}]]
-</​WRAP>​ /* COLUMN GROUP - END */ 
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of column 2 */
 +</​WRAP>​ /* End of row */
 +</​ifinternet>​ /* END OF INTERNET VERSION "​NEWS"​ */